About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

plea bargain

sorry wold, this is not for you... it's just directed to her past

I ask that you trust me not to do the same things that made her heart hurt in the past...she says i'm different so trust her judgment and relinquish her! i won't even get into my fancy metaphors and logic. It's Douglas being plain and honest. I WANT HER AND I'LL FIGHT YOU FOR HER!!


i remember when it happened
i took a running start, never even thought about jumping and i lept from the empire state building. I decided that if i lept foward and flipped backwards that the shooting star press would definitely be a sight for anyone who was watching. i yelled like a kid, but not one of fear, i was thrilled and delighted that i had been brave enough to go through with the whole arrangement...and as i grew my wings to fly away she called my name in concern. it was right at that moment that i lost focus and i crashed through an office building's window. the people looked at me with a face that told me that my injuries were worse than anything that i would have thought of... i lay a crumbled version of my newly winged self. my first thought was to ask god for forgiveness for anything i'd done wrong and the second thought is my family will miss me to death... i didn't think any more. i told those in attendence of my crash the following: tell the woman who comes looking for me that i'm damaged goods and ask her if she would still want me... if she replies yes, tell her that i'll always be in her heart and tell her to just do her and to live with no regrets! i fell into eternal sleep with a smile that not even the greatest mind in history would never understand because i my self don't know what it is she did to me!

I choose

i choose to be me, and that my friends is crazy to the rest of the world. people love to just point out when there is something that is strange to them around them. in our society ( i live in the south east of the united states) there is a lot of conforming going on and my mother just didn't raise that type of guy...i'm sorry i let you puppeteers down so much. Siiiiiikkkkkkkkeeeeeeee! But i love it when i see people who are not afraid to be their selves just go about life enjoying what they will and just doing them. it's a beautiful thing to be able to be your self and not let what other people say change you. you should only change when you see fit,

just had a thought cause someone said something
God gave his children the ability to be what they want to be and do what they want to do... that means you could be a rich bum if thats what you wanted... the only blessing god kept from us is... peace. that means you could be the richest person in the world and have pleasure beating your door down and still not be happy... pause and reflect on dem apples people!!

now i forgot how the beginning was supposed to go... but yea, just think about it!

Friday, June 27, 2008

a round of applause

i am offically encouraging the entire universe to give her a round of applause... this is where that guy usually emerges and jus does some sarcasm but who really cares that things didn't go my way?
Matter is neither created nor destroyed only transformed, so the term damaged goods mean that sometthing has had a part of itself transformed into something else correct? as people we're constantly becoming memories, and thats where all of our time is going... into becoming memories. you can't control what other people do but you can control how they affect you! There's only one excetption to that rule, and that is when...

All in, i don't bluff very well

i'm typing this again cause the computer cut off... so it went something like this

I feel like she deserves the best that's why i'm typing this. I feel that i'm the cream of the crop and that could be take as cocky but i don't see it that way at all. i just believe that my confidence is where it should be and most guy's confidence isn't. i'm going to be me every day all day and that's hard to come by in itself. but this isn't about me... it's a bout this girl i know who started off as a friend of a friend, then we exchanged numbers and started talking just the two of us, our friendship grew and then we started flirting at the given oppourtunity, and then i started thinking to my self... where is this going? Do i like her? way more than i thought i did...i treat the women i like like queens, and there will never be a point where they will feel unappreciated. while i don't want to make it an all or nothing situation i just want you to know that i want more! friendships are something that i'm willing to weigh against eternal bliss. i've learned my lesson about falling for a good friend but if all goes well who's to say what could happen? i honestly don't believe she wants a relationship with me but can i read her mind and know whats on it? no! i don't mean to be so doubful but i can't help my self from thinking it and thats just the way the chips fall... yall should see what i see and then maybe you'd understand why i feel the way i do!

the original i don't bluff very well

at this point in my life i'd rather go for broke than to just be a good friend for a long amount of time and then get shot down a year later. Why? cause i don did that before and it only hurts worse when you wait...not saying that you should just act on a whim, but i'm sure she lives up to the hype! she's a keeper, whether she knows it or not! i think that it's the past that is deterring her from the future and i respect that but at the same time it's affecting me. what can i say? i'm human. i will not pull the you have to choose card because first i'm not that type of dude and secondly that's not fair. life is already not fair enough and why should i make it that much harder for her... a young lady who deserves the best. that's kinda why i'm actually interested in her, because i feel like i'm one of the few who actually know how to treat women! that doesn't make me cocky that makes me conscience of how i am towards women i respect/like that's just how i think about it! will i die if things don't go my way no, but i will be disappointed for a sec then i'm going to have to keep it moving because thats the way the chips fall sometimes! we started out as friends of a friend, then we started talking to each other on the phone, then we started flirting at given oppertunities, now i feel like we should be together! oh well, let me know if you know someone who gets everything they want!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

pause, and reflect (a phrase that i got from my homie cj)

i'd just like to thank God right now! for people, some i know and some i don't, to see something in me and just be taken back by what ever that may be and give me complements on how fine of a person i've grown to be is just over whelming. I don't have expectations of most people but i'm starting to get some for my self. I have no clue if i'm different from most guys but people keep telling me that so it must be true. I don't think i have high confidence, but someone once told me they'd kill for my confidence. Do i think i deserve the best friends on earth? no, but i have them and they have me. If i need a goon ten will show up, if i need a diplomat ten of them will show up too. I know people in low and high places... are the ones in high places of greater value than those in low places to me? Hell no!

My mother told me that there's no way you can treat everybody the same but you can treat everyone fair and i guess it just stuck with me. i'm very open minded and i try to see things from different vantage points but sometimes it irks me when others refuse to do the same...

Is this young man perfect? the furthest from it if you asked me. I'm full of flaws that i don't want people to know about but that's part of being human. The more people start to realize that they are more alike than they are different the better this world would be, but unfortunately we live in a world where religion, sex, age, race, political views, culture, and life style preferences divides us into groups that are not willing to accept others who differ from our selves. I always tell people what i would do or how they should handle certain situations but when i finish i say make sure that you do you... and what that means to me is that i'll do whats best for me and you should do the same!

To all my friends out there from junebug who i've known since i was like 5 to larry who i just met last year, to alex who i knew of but just really met in june... i love all my homies and there's nothing you can do about it! I'm a man so i don't have to say no homo, it's kinda childish in my personal opinion!

Fresh Video

man on fire 2.0

i feel like a man on fire because there is so much going on in my head that i feel like i'm going to just be engulfed in flames of passion. not necessarily passion as in sexual manner but as in i want to do so many things right now. there is an object of affection but it's more of a friendship and that's fine for the moment...JUST THE MOMENT, YA DIG? i'm trying to get this social organization off the ground Named Etta Omicron Rho! And that's gotta happen this year or never, we gonna swoop cause we got people at Sc state university and i got people at morehouse, and i got people at university at birmingham... and we might even try to get one going in trinidad and tobago! it's one of the few tasks i'm taking serious right now. Just know that once we get our adviser and a green light we snatching up an eclectic group of people who have just one goal in common... success! there's no standard measurement of success so it's what ever you feel like success should be and we just wanna do our part of helping each other get to that point (financially, emotionally, and maybe even spiritually). We not taking any L's (l's are losses). We are winners, yall can't stop us and we'll won't be denied! Then i'm still trying to get this book off da ground cause i'm broke and if i write a decent book a could at least get ten g's for it as a newcomer and that'll be a cool start

Real talk
I just wanna say to the divine 9 that a lot of people look up to yall and it's cool to have a good time and all that but just be careful what yall say to people and how yall treat others! I've had so many people say i was gonna pledge this but they be acting like they better than everybody and i don't wanna be like that. then people say that greeks change once they get letters and try to just be your self, basically make the letters don't make them make you! The last thing i want to say to greeks is that if people have to go back and read you all's history and see what the founders wanted your organization to be like and the people can't see it in yall then you all need to go back to the basics! am i telling greeks how to do them? no, but what i am saying is that you are more influential than you may realize at times. This is just a view from the outside looking in ya dig?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Man on Fire

I step out on da scene and i leave smoldering impressions in the streets
you can admire and be inspired but never ask god to be like me...
it could be worse but my situation is dire
you could call them tears but you'd be wrong
those sorrowful drops of ether falling from my eyes could sing their own sad song
i'm used to living life this way but i'm yelling "how long?"
real talk, that water deep play with gators and you'll be drowned
you might need help so go on and phone home
but not like that new lil wayne song
good advice comes from those who have been grown for so long
then you could smell me fo you see me cause i smell like ash
remember i'm blazing trick i can't even take a bath
how you thank that feel cause loved ones i can't have
my baby nephew you, his hands i can't grab
the only good thing about it is no crabs
sizzling jabs, searing stabs, torch for a mask
no gatorade, the flames prefer gas
the sun aint got nothing on my cause he's light years away
the same place i should be
but this is my life and i live it like a G
i couldn't, cause i don't want to, do no body but me!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Listen... or don't

For some reason no matter how elated i am at this potential situation... I wanna be in denial like it's not happening but these last two days something inside of me has been screaming

"no, nigga! don't do it! Nigga stop! at least look before you leap dummy"

and while i'm experiencing all kinds of warm great new feelings it's like not being able to enjoy your day off because you have so many errands to run. I don't have nothing to do, but it's gonna be like something serious if my homie is not understanding cause i won't cross him... i'm a greedy dude too but i the chances of me going against my homie's will is like 20% chance. He's the type of dude to say yes but expects you to act differently cause yall both know what should happen. Why am i saying all of this? i'm actually thinking of a very real situation that could come up and at least i'm not acting like it can't happen... doug is saying that i'mma have to think this over while enjoying an L.

a message in a bottle

you come into this world kicking and screaming trying to leave your mark here
everything, good or bad, you'll be learned here
like how to put taught where learned just was
or how tight you really are with your best buds
Whole time life is all about strife
people will do and say things that'll cut you like a knife
they'll tell you that you aint nothing
all the while they knowing you nice
Hater try to sneak you kinda like black ice
And you know i'm right
Yea, see, now i got your head nodding
now that i got your attention you should love your darling
now real recognize real so real people feeling that
whole time it's some fake mixing as people waiting to stab you in your back
you've been warned so enough of that
snake eyes! sometimes your luck will be tapped
but just know that bad luck aint that bad
Your right leg could just fall off. lol right!

One thing left to say its about real life troubles
the stress of living will definitely be weighing down on you shoulders
and i know it's easy to fold or buckle
but just know that when times get tough its all about the "struggle"
yea, you heard me right...
cause struggle means progress and from progress we must not digress!

Just for the people who don't know me i just came up with this off the dome in like 7 mins! i'm aight on the writing but i be just messing around...

like real talk

I been up since like 6pm yesterday and a lot of shit happened... first off i haven't eaten since 2pm yesterday... i'm fiending right now son! Then the party last night never really ended.. it just died down and people were closing doors and what not! i was listening to slow jams from like 2 to 7am this morning... so whats a nigga to do? i'm not a killer! But she had that fire convo so i wasn't too disappointed for real.. naw j/k (smirk). we cleaned this dump up and got the house straight in like an hour which was good for what happened... people yacking up the liq, three females had to be nursed through the symptoms of a great party...some passed out and swung on the people who were trying to help them... don't get that drunk, that's why everything should be enjoyed in moderation. i'm bout to gulp this juice down i'll be bak... i always come bak, but dying is a bitch...chukie said that once!


I never actively think about worrying because i believe that god will take care of everything... so you could say that my faith is on cruise control... i will do more than my fair share but i won't worry... i just need to let him handle it for real! that's another think that makes me cool... just when i go overboard god throws me the life vest ya know?

how i'm feeling in my heart

musiq soulchild's teach me is how i'm feeling right now... girl i'm so lost...this song sums me up at this point... i'ma have to get my heart straight so i can get my head straight...

just listened to jahiem's never and that's how i feel too... she got me on my rnb game and i'm free falling... i don't know if yall feel me or not! i just gotta keep her wishes in mind and not make her feel like it's all or nothig... she got me feeling like i can have what old couples who've been together for ever have... i gotta get it together like soon

see, see, she's real, i told yall

we had a moment when i thought we was skating on thin ice, we talked and she was like nigga playing with fire! Fire, i don't do burn... cause i already got a scar from that when i was little... so i definitely don't do that. We grown, and i'm like i deserve to be happy and so do you. I'm like passive aggressive so you could really direct the action for the most part but i am spontaneous though.

on a whole different thought

i'm what my past has made me... a cool, passionate, thoughtful, creative, strong, down to earth, human person. i'm constantly calculating because i like knowing how other people operate and then for the most part i can keep everything flowing because i know what's coming. So if i'm not giving you enough of me as a friend... just ask for more people! I like talking about me but i'm just not aware that i'm doing all of the exploring of others and not so much sharing... but this blog is like a pro active way to change that and yall see that i'm growing in that area right?

back to the whole fire thing

I don't play with fire i just enjoy seeing a good fire burn ya dig? if a fire is kept up right there will always be a flame. You can't keep putting wood on a fire cause it will burn out of control... you have to be steady and patient... let the fire do what it's supposed to do. it's suppose to warm u up and comfort you when the cold world starts to get to you, and if you're sharing that fire with someone the work is just that much easier... you can't share with everybody though because some people just make a big fire then let it burn out and that's not cool! then some just want to control fire and manipulate it for their own wants. Then there is a rare few who just appreciates how beautiful fire can be... it's all about perspective, because your perspective is whats real to you!

this night

i'm not gonna even play like i was super smooth tonight cause i wasnt at all! i have been on do whatever makes me happy type mode so i'm just chilling like never before.... so now i'm looking forward to the future and i could definitely see her in it... like on some realness. But i do look at the past to make sure i remember how far i've come and how much i've matured! I don't do the whole regret thing and i won't set my self up to have any in the future. she said it's what ever i wanted but it takes two so i'm like green light, lets get to know each other and then we can go from there. i don't do the whole fools rush in thing either! So she says she's not stuck in the past, so loving that right now... whole situation that's not mine to blog about for real... i'm just not trying to be put in that zone where she won't look at me like a potential bf ya dig?

Friday, June 20, 2008

yall need to blog

tell everybody u know to blog...thats all!

(#10 on the carter 3 by lil wayne)

I'm quite torn... literally, because i haven't been this interested in someone for a minute... every time that i talk to one of those i used to want... i just don't feel the same way. This didn't happen over night though... i've been slowly loosing my passion for her since the end of fall semester... and i talked to one today that i haven't talked to in a while and i can't wait to be best friends with her again because i'm not blinded by strong emotions for her at this point in my life. Thats good too, i think for the most part i'm free! but like i said, this girl that i've been knowing for a few months shy of a year is a total shocker. The thing is we be skating on thin ice sometimes, and i don't know if yall have ever been in cold water but once you're in you'll only be able to think of what it is you're experiencing and nothing else... i have to consider the feelings of others but that is another place where i wage war in my head because i want to be happy. I REALLY DO!!! And i believe this could possibly be more than a quick fix but i am a fairly patient person these days so... time will tell!

ps...I need a nickname for her and i'm open to suggestions

I was always a fan of this song but it has a whole new meaning these days... all i can really say is she's something else! this one keeps me on my toes and has a radiant personality... and it's not who you think it is world!

It's gonna get better

Naruto finally know that jiraiya is dead and when he meets up with pein... that's that ass!

about that...

Whole time i was talking to my home girl on the phone at like 1:45ish this morning when whipped cream and strawberries came up... i think another one of my homies said it and i was like that'll do... but she was like chocolate and whipped cream... i was kind of blowed because i didn't expect her to just say that. then she took it a step further because i was like i don't do chocolate like that, then she bust out with well chocolate, strawberries, and whipped cream... she was like i'm all about compromise!!!


I know right? anyway, I was also kinda of blowed because she is so cool and i'm still learning about her and she's pretty interesting... she says that i'm different but we already knew that! She's mad cool though and even though alicia keys can have it...(she could guess about what should go here)... I'm thinking about saturday night cause it goes down at millwood around 9pm on the 21st... We gonna have the music going that people can vibe/dance/and definitely grind to, we gonna have the food, the liq, the hackie, we gonna just be chilling being great host and all. I'm definitely affiliated as my homie royce calls it, but with more than just "my peeps". at the same time, this once chick witht the whole whipped cream conversation IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING TO WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND! REAL TALK! i should be back in a lil while to keep the blog rolling!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Couple things...

first off the Carter III was leaked, as predicted and i give it like a 4/5 cause the hype was just to damn high. Favorite songs are mr. carter, dr. carter, playing with fire, comfortable, let the beat build, and phone home. Yall should grab it when you can and give it a listen...
second, i'm back in the orangeburg but i won't be hear too long. about five weeks. it's over on july 10th. and for those of yall who know me i'm looking for the hackie for the low!!! i'm kidding for now!
and third, i have writers block so i'ma holler tomorrow... hopefully!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

For the first time in a long time...

You owe me no apologies... not one! I wish i knew then, what i know now... but like i said it was a learning experience that i would not do over. Yea, I admit you're quite unique and i often long for the friendship we used to share so let's make it happen. For real Melodioussssssssssss!