About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

nothing into something

i don't know what to type to day yall, so i'm just winging it. i have nothing that's just jumping outta my head but i didn't wanna neglect my blog any longer; basically i just wanted to post something, even if it had no substance and that's exactly what this is... I should be in columbia by the fourth and back in oburg during the fourth so i can go party with them oh so pretty boys of kappa alpha psi! Yo. just wanted to give them boys a shout out... cause they always throw some party where the girlies come half naked and who can really be mad at that... i don't want em, i just want a dance from em! There will probably be some nupe juice in circulation and bet money that my tounge won't be red. anyway, i don't know what we're going to do in columbia i just know my homie was like let's take a trip and i was like keep me posted so i could be ready... he was gonna do it next weekend but i'd probably be gone already plus he has things to do also, so he was like we could probably do it thursday... (Sundae... What's really good? i know your prior engagement but can u make time for a true G?) Hopefully i'll see a friend and hopefully i'll see someone brand new (colts quarterback) and that would be cool too. Well, i gotta go do a whole lot of nothing or maybe a little bit of something... i might take a nap real talk! well world... be easy and never let no one do you sleezy! i know that was corny but what are you really gonna do about it? exactly!

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