About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

[Fam]tastic Day

i spent the past day with my lil nephew cameron... aka killer cam... aka taz. my brother asked me to babysit sunday night and of course i told him i would because he gives me everything i ask for and then some. I was awakend by my bro ddwayne (wayne) asking me if i wanted him to put cam in the bed with me at around 7am and i said yes because i knew that cam would wake me up when he woke up. i was wrong, i woke up at 9am and he was just lying there staring at me with those sincere eyes of his. he's two years old, and he'll be three in december. he can speak very well for his age and seems to be a bright lil guy and that makes me happy because i'm kinda bright my self... anyway, the first thing i asked him was if he had to use the restroom and of course he did. we did that and then i fixed him some strawberry oat meal and i gave him a lil bit of coffee... i always give him coffee even though i know he doesn't need it. he didn't wanna take a shower or a bath so i left him watching tv on the couch while i did (he can take care of him self and he will listen if you tell him to do something... like sit on the and don't move) so we got dresed for the day... i had every intention of going to my homie laura's grand mother's funeral but it just did not happen and thats the way life happens sometimes. we ended up going to my aunt ruth's house to see how she was doing and she was doing fine. She hasn't seen cam in months as was surprised at how much he had grown (as was i when i got back in may from claflin). My cousins were home gloria, and her oldest daughter toya was home. toya had jasmine (hope thats how she spells it) with her and she's so cute... she looks just like her momma and she's one of those happy babies who doesn't stop smiling and laughing and staring at you in your eyes. we left from down there and went to sherri's house and cam and kate, sherri's daughter played for like 2 hours straight. Toya came on over a little after me and we were all talking about my blog because they read it faithfully and were probably disappointed when they woke up because i was supposed to had done this around midnight..(((what's popping cuzins))).. we ordered pizza from papa john's but they ignored our order for 50 mins then called us to tell us they ignored our order for 50 mins and they weren't close to being busy. SO... MY CUZ SHERRI PROMPLY CANCELLED THAT ORDER, MADE SURE SHE DIDN'T GET CHARGED FOR IT, AND WE ATE CHINESE... the egg roles were dope as always. Cam ate til he couldn't, he had been eating junk all day and the chinese did not help... we came back to the house after that and about 20 mins later i took him home. He fell asleep in the car, i looked back at him at a red light and he was passed out slumped to the side breathing heavily... i took my time coming back to reflect on my day and ended up at starbucks where i ordered my usual vinti iced white mocha. the coffee was scorched but i didn't care because i don't get to have them often when i'm at school! While i was at my cousin sherri's house i got an interesting text...
it was made out to be nothing... but everything we say or do is based on some thought we're either fighting or embracing. Let that marinate folks. And i just wanna say that I'm pissed that the grass in my back yard is taller than me in some spots and my dad acts like it just got that way when i came home!

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