About Me

My photo
Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


dear love,

i recall the fact that you asked me to keep in touch
backwards and silly how i'm rarely in it
love is war, the fog of, blinds doug
what you're worth can barely be contained by words
i try and make them enough
if at all possible
illogical how you make the man in me a toddler
i'm taken aback, not by what you do
but i believe it's the god in you
amazing like kaleidescope
heavenly to my pupils
set apart from your peers
coltrane to my ears
will you be my one and only love?
nurture mines, and i'll foster yours.
your hellos are mountains that i hop scotch while on my way to forever
missing few, hitting most, under appreciating none
and even if it isn't shown, please forgive
i have love for what was, shall be, and things that breed only where imagination is
time yields only to boredom so it streams when i think of...
if you only knew the rest of how i lose sleep over you

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

nothing at all

i'm an exhibition of man's wickedness
a confirmation of our race's sickness
decedent of those bred out of spite
for endurance and might
to watch chicken scratch criminals stack wealth to new heights
i might
just summon the will like a subpoena
to irritate shit deep within like jalapeƱos
with my words as my gringos
take aim and never miss like a black out card in bingo
bank on what was like a casino
feast on what was reaped with my peeps to strengthen the pack like dingos
be who they point to when they ask "have you seen those...
...niggas over there?
chasing dreams and wife'n em
gang banging on ignorance, hate fighting em
all the wild, untamed, swagger jackers biting em
look in their eyes
i think that shit exciting em
i'm still trying to figure the shit that'll frighten em"
well i saw you looking, and head inkwell... blase... something
but what you trying to figure out don't exist...
it's nothing

Sunday, September 19, 2010

parts of me

i used to be a scholar for them words...
what power in nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.
they were just as much part of me as they were of speech.
conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections for elections,
they change the flow of life like blood flow to an erection.
correction comes with red ink just like lies come with group think
... i challenge each individual to think for themselves,
climb jacob's ladder instead of taking the stairs,
and instead of being brave enough to show the god in you,
petrification, results of being scared.
it's a horror show to see my people so
i wish these wicked images had a hell to which they could go
dragging the hate and bad intentions down with them
beneath our range of hearing
build a Utopian future upon ingenious engineering
so little time is the only thing i'm fearing
my god is so gracious
so forgiving
and generous when it comes to favor
dear, heavenly father
i just have one more wish
i pray through you son jesus the will and strength no never quit
and the focus to know that living for your will and not mine
will be paid with bliss.
heavenly bliss.
i take aim
hold breath with steady wrists
until my time is up and i'm done with this earthly
shit aint easy, even when all goes right
left the quill for the mic,
and since then something just aint felt right
i don't sleep well at night
i guess that was just the parts of speech
showing me how much i missed me.
i hope all of hell writes letters i never get
for all eternity
sulking bout how
they miss me how i missed me.

Friday, August 27, 2010

just a nigga

i've survived in places you can't believe
endured what your mind can't conceive
because i'm just a nigga

don't make money much
but changed they way the lived
revolutionized they way the build
grew food for the enemy upon baron fields
because i'm just a nigga

jump so high
run so fast
don't mean to brag
and if it makes you mad, do all in my power to make you laugh
because i'm just a nigga

the definition of king, queen, and being
geographically speaking jesus had to be the color of a coffee bean
hair like a sheep, kinda like my dreads
pray on my knees, thankful for where i'm at
unafraid to be scared
scared to not be great
and i've learned from all my mistakes
even learned more from all the world's hate
because i'm just nigga

and being a nigga you gotta giggle
instead of shedding those insignificant tears
aint nobody gonna stop judging you
and the stumbling blocks won't stop coming long as you here
but while you're here, both listen and hear
that after all these years of forging
being molded
i'm just a nigga for them to fear
but to my people and the ones i hold dear
look no further cause ya nigga right here
i'ma negus, didn't yall hear?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

amongst man

though humble,
i mumble scripture that make the devil bumble
clash with ill will to summon heaven's thunder as an applause
that's why i never get struck by stars
i'm a galaxy with centripetal force that anchors bars
hotter than mars is my disposition towards ignorance
fail to,
don't recognize,
don't comply with failure
because that's surrendering, isn't it?
why do that when triple o-g-3 got my back
an o for son cause he took my place
one for the ghost, he forwards what i say
and one for my father, he provides the grace
what else do i need in such a hellish place?
you a galaxy too, let me explain what i penciled
when i say we galaxies, i mean we hold infinite potential
we so great, we could belittle things monumental.
it's all about confidence and manifesting those dreams in your mental.
find time to probe your own mind,
accept and deal with all things that tingle your spine.
good or bad
best or worse
cause you don't know they day, nor the hour
it's time to judge what you worth.
there's only two grades to be paid
heaven to live
and hell where agony awaits
fate's a debate
so do all that you can
signed sincerely,
His child amongst man

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

love doctor

i am the love doctor
proceed as prescribed
take one hand and place it on a thigh
caressing and gripping tenderly from behind
let's take our time

apply one kiss to the neck for the desired effect
don't be alarmed if things become wet
for the situation of now, it is proper
trust me, i'ma doctor

wait but don't hesitate for the right moment
curing all these symptoms has one key component
that's timing

i am punctual in this pursuit of perfection
and with ample skill
i administer injections of erections
sincere exhibitions of affection
so diligent in my studies
that tomorrow will bring conflict during self reflection

when the doctor is out it will be aggravating
my dissertation on my research will have her gravitating
we groove to our own vibe we be levitating
love making
bed breaking
call rejecting
abusing protection
body part flexing
muscle stretching
deep breath taking
toe curling
head shaking
at a lost for words
hours will merge
u and i will cease
we will come to be
we will come
we will come together
we will again
and again
and again
and again i ask forgiveness cause father we have sinned
medical ethics 101 : first, do no harm
but she dies, dies, and dies again
in the love doctor's arms
i am the love doctor

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No Onions

well ladies and gentlemen, today is the day no onions is supposed to be started. "what's that", you ask??? no onions is a concept myself, lb, and st. hope have formed and are still forming for a hip hop mixtape. not rap, cause anybody can rap, but hip hop... but i'm too random to finish the post. just know that it'll be something on there for everybody

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

things will never be the same

so... what's good blog world? been thinking bout a lot of things latley. god, fam, health, bad habits... all that jazz. early sunday morning one of my uncles passed away and it's not bothering me nearly as much as it will saturday when i go down to florida and see the body in the casket. he was a member of kappa alpha psi, hold head nupe! lol. cool dude all around. if you ever needed anything he'd get it for you, not to mention his house is like a dream vacation spot.... game room, big open kitchen, lazy boys with the big screen. pond out back if you wanted to fish and he wasn't far from the beach. i didn't learn his real name until i was like 10 years old. we'd all call him uncle sunny. well, mardi gras is coming up and uncle sunny would always make his way back home for mardi gras. catch so many beads his neck would ache... sip some crown and coke and he'd always be ducked off somewhere taking a nap when there wasn't a parade. a couple years ago it was bay bruh, and a couple months before that it was aunt yvonne so you can see how mardi gras is feeling a lot different than it did say 5 years ago. but it's all good. a lot of the younger generations in my fam are having kids and taking them to the parades. it's kinda like tradition. mobile, al did mardi gras first and i'd like to think we did it right. famly oriented, nothing over the top... the adults can hit the clubs and after-parties along with all the balls and ceremonies that come with this time of year.

tonight i made a really tough choice and it really hurt to do so... i thought about it, and thought about it... went back and forth on the issue at hand and came to the conclusion that me and sundae just can't be friends. i really want to be her friend, but i can't. it's not satisfying and i've tried very hard not to be selfish. i completely understand what the situation is and i don't like it. i won't even pull a hollywood movie scene and make an ultimatum cause it's unfair and would strain the friendship. i think she'll take it the wrong way if i totally delete her from my friends on fb, but she's been hid... i don't see her in my feed, and she can't chat with me cause she's on that list with the dog wars and naruto people... i'm always off line to them. deleted her number from my phone and all the messages from my in and out boxes... i don't remember it so there will be no more calls/texts. i don't want to say good bye because i know she'll sound cool about it... might even be cool about it and it will only make me feel worse... on some cee lo type ish, i'd like to say i could imagine how she'd take this all but in all honesty i have no clue. she was the one exception to the foundation of the naked movement... but... not any more. it's not gonna be easy, because i've liked her for a while, lb and g say i love her and at this point i believe it. it aint gotta be easy, not many things worth much in life are easy, but this torch is being extinguished and i refuse to light it alone ever agin... naked

Monday, January 18, 2010

after time pt. 1

phase after phase
all you seeing is my growth
not the struggles i endure
not my past or its ghosts
mirror after mirror
all you see is skin deep
you don't know the ladder
you don't know the mountains
or it's grade that impedes me
time after time
all you witness is my smile
not the edges of the mask
i wear to hide it all
night aftet night
day after day
you don't see who i call on
or his mysterious ways
step after step
flap after flap
these wings are not my own
and i'm on my way to where i got them at
so puzzle after puzzle
and maze after maze
i hope that you wonder
and ponder the things i say
cause time after time
i find you on my mind
time after time
i want you to be mine
time after time
is unlimited
unlike time

my uncle died... i think i'm ok, don't really feel like blogging, but here i am. mlk day was a day of reflection and to see where i wana go with life. and i found my self thinking of her a lot. too many boppers not enough keepers. she one of them women you never get over just get distracted from... something gotta shake.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

random select

i am exhausted, catching a cold, and hungry. i go to school 5 days a week this semester, get out by 12 3o though so thats a good thing. then i shoot over to the rec to do some cardio and depending on the day, light weights high repetition/heavy weights low repetition. i always end with shooting some bball though. yesterday i shot about 60 percent, today i shot about 10 because it was a heavy weights day... ishould have known better. i've fallen completely in love with my school mostly due to my mass comm. theory teacher and my german teacher... they cool as one can expect a professor to be. usa (university of south alabama) got women!!! seriously i had to change the order i did my work out today cause it was too man distractions in the weight room... they kept coming and kept smiling, and kept talking... and don't get me wrong i love to talk to gorgeous women, especially ones that looked like these looked, but when i go to the gym i actually focus and try to concentrate only on what i'm doing so i can get in and do what i'm supposed to be doing. i heard about haiti and i want to put together a benefit concert of some kind, usa got talent so i might get with the sga and all the orgs on campus and see who wants to participate so that we can do something... i saw some of the footage and it was terrible, i understand and witness what we have to deal with everyday in my neighborhood but i think haiti needs it more than us right now.
on to the crazy part of my life... i think i miss the conversation with her even though i know we are just friends and it's supposed to stay that way... don't this sound familiar? i'm not gonna even bore you with it, but i like her, don't know what to do. things aren't weird right now, don't want to make them that way either. being a friend isn't hard, being able to tell if things are weird or not is hard cause you never know how the person will take what you're saying. but i'm a communications major (new but i act like i been in it for forever) so we can talk about whatever it is...
i'd like to take spring break to atlanta this year to chill with the homie from claflin cause he graduated and work up there, plus possibly jump on a track with the daredevil
i wana spend the summer working in california with my aunt and uncle so i can make some change to blow for the fall (a ninja will need new clothes by then)
and i'm not going anywhere for labor day but i think i'ma fly up to the burg for homecoming weekend and catch the homies doing their thing on the stage. holla at some people i aint seen in a while... *deep sigh* deuces