About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

purely from my mind to my finger tips/ 100% doug, no fillers

first i'd like you to play the song that i've found for you because everyone can appreciate good music even if you don't like the genre. this a nice lil tune that caught my ear and relaxed me when i was thinking about all of the stuff that is on my mind. this is one of the best to do it and without any further typing on my part the legendary John coltrane (que for clapping)

i just got back from what was supposed to be my first party of the year but there were other things in the work call it fate! i went to scoop up my accomplices; laura, josh, and kourtney; but my phone's screen went snow white and wouldn't respond so i took my chip out and broke it in half. that's right, no more black jack for dougie, i might get the black jack II but i don't know yet. first thing i'm getting monday by 5pm is a job so that i can become independant. Plus i gotta go to bham soon to record with the fam. that's the pre road trip though, i'm going back to CU for 4 days... homecoming weekend. the get there on the 20th and leave that sunday. I don't know what my parents are gonna say but what can they say if i got my own bread... they can kick me out but i doubt it will be that dramatic. If you mean anything to me i will try very hard to grace you with my presence since it will be a while before i come back. I want accomplice #3 to come with, but i hope walter don't trip (he scares me)! But back to tonight. We were supposed to go to pensacola to what else, a sigma party, but the whole phone situation came up and we couldn't get it together but i got my mom's phone and we ended up going downtown which was fun and refreshing! next was food, though i wasn't hungry. we spend about 20 mins at krystals because somebody needed more money so i ended up being broke after that, it was only $3.00 but it was the last in my pocket and i didn't mind cause i know they'd do it for me. i Chained smoked 2 blacks in the parking lot, and yes i still have that chest cold... i'm not the brightest person but oh well. then we went back to the grove (new dorms at south alabama) and downed some smirnoffs and they played spades while i watched and cracked jokes... one person was tripping at first but she got it together. then we called g and she was cooking and i talked to her for a while and i should be engaged by 21 and married by 22 at the rate things going... my love life is a roller coaster! if yall didn't know, i don't date cause it's too expensive. I chill with people and feel them out and go from there. I think i have about 3 people on the list of people i would possibly marry with more time with them just seeing how we mesh and the people on that list are all good people but if i had to jump off a cliff for them i don't think i'll do it just yet! Work harder canidates, good black men are rare, show me what you working with!!! this whole night was a joy, even the part where my phone quit, because it lead to other things that i enjoyed. We're gonna run it back next week but more organized and more action packed... Just so yall know i have some dope friends and i wouldn't trade them for anything. (i'm thinking something to my self but i don't know if i should put it up here at this particular time... so i won't for now. I've been going back and fourth in my mind about the whole thing and trying to understand what's really going on is like trying to catch smoke. like i said, i don't like to assume things but i think i'm getting a better understanding of the situation and the people involved in it. i'm kinda like that guy from psyche, i have all the pieced but i just don't hit me until something connects all the pieces... It's gonna be a long time before... well like i said, i don't wanna put it up now so let me think on it and then i'll drop that bomb on yall later)Now, all i need is to lay back and let sleep get me so i can clean up the house tomorrow. *couldn't decide on one title so appreciate them both*

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