About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mr. James

i take a deep breath before i knock on her door.
"knock, knock, knock!"
the echo of each knock chases each other in a friendly game of tag for what seems like minutes.
she comes to the door in her shorts and t-shirt, along with a smile meant only for me.
she grabs me by the hand and leads me inside, closing... and locking the door behind me.
the thought of my personal space being invaded was one of pleasure on this occasion.
there's low music in the background and i'm pretty sure it's slow but i'm not listening to it.
a perfect amount of perfume envelopes this dream, woman, but she is the one that's intoxicating!
she and i hadn't seen each other in months and we couldn't stop smiling.
as i smiled, i thought about all of the phone conversations (especially the break-ups), the back sliding, the laughter, the playful threats, and other things as well.
those were conversations for the phone and she was right here in front of me. for so long i fought a lot of the things that were supposed to make me a james, but not tonight, not right now!...
to be continued...
i don't think i'd ever been this focused on one person in my life, i only desired to make every move the right one. as she led me through a path that she knew from memory alone, i began to think about what was going to happen and i had all of the feelings that an 8 year old would have on the morning of christmas. her hips worked as a perfect pair of seducers and i watched so intently i barely missed her heel when she stopped and opened her bed room door. despite my clumsiness, my hands knew exactly what to do as they gently placed themselves on both sides of her waist and before i knew it the engine of this love train pulled me into our final destination for the evening. her room had a bed and that's as far as my eyes got, i couldn't even tell you the color of the pillows. i took my shoes off near the door and my shirt too. she smiled at me as she walked over to the bed. she removed the pins from her hair and it fell to about her shoulders and i love shoulder length hair! our eyes met as i appoached her and we embraced each other with the most passionate kiss possible that left the both of us gasping for oxygen. But we kept at it and i remember running my fingers through her silky hair as i layed her down onto the bed. i placed my hands upon her stomach and started sliding them down, down, down to the top of her shorts and they folded upon them selves until they were off of her...
to be continued shortly...
now that we were past the greetings and were serious about doing "this", whatever this is, she grabbed my belt and unfastened it and my jeans fell to the floor like the lifeless article of clothing that they were. the bulge in my boxer briefs grew as she placed her hand upon it. she looked at me with the most lustful eyes whispering the question "is this for me?" and my lips answered "especially!" what followed was nothing short of ecstasy; so many kisses, so many positions, so many promises... hours passed at the same rate of seconds and finally we were without energy. This was everything that i thought it would be and more. she lay in my arms looking at me and i lay gazing looking at the breaking dawn outside the window. "where do we go from here?" she asked and listened for the answer intently. I replied, "i don't know but you've trusted me to the greatest extent a woman can trust a man and i wouldn't do anything to hurt you!" i grabbed her hand and interlocked it with mine and looked her in her eyes. She beamed her angelic smile at me and then we fell asleep...

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