About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

reguardless, i suppose

it's taken me forever to actually complete this post and i guess it truly consists of two parts. first part: i was vexed by this conversation that i had with one of my home girls. and to me it kinda seemed like the final mic check before a concert. i don't know if she wanted to make sure everything was what she thought it was and making sure to put things in their place. i was cool with that for the most part, that night the conversation was just on my mind and bothering me. not her fault at all, but it just kept replaying over and over in my head. so i text her but that didn't really do anything to satisfy my discomfort. still not really anyone's fault, it just is what it is. so i finally went to sleep and didn't have a dream. part two: i woke up, it didn't really cross my mind at all, i went through my whole day of not doing much of anything. oh yea, my brothers lb and arna back in town and that might have been it. so i talked with lb about it and he spoke his mind on it. then i talked to arna and he spoke his mind on it. so i was just had a wtf moment and i kinda just replay it all once again.... let's just say i don't really wonder what if anymore. i'm more like whatever happens happens, and i'll deal with the fall out later. i'm gonna be the same old me regardless and all the hoping and wanting certain situations aint really cutting it so i'm cutting them out. but on the other hand i've gained another great friend, who has best friend potential...

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