About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc.

mine is like a limited infinity
that wants to be,
but remains not a friend to me
though it has me grinning
there's nothing funny
i'm actually feeling crummy
feeling like crash test dummies
now that i'm out of ideas i have my mind running
how it seems you're slipping from me
though i never had you in my grasp
i think that fact rasps me the most
so i climb into the chevy and coast along the roads
looking towards the future
hoping i find someone half as great as you
rather than later
but since chasing your soul is a tole taker
i'd rather bunt
than swing for the fences
seeing as how it feels safer
it doesn't seem to pay
to be a high risk taker
but this is just a single layer
of this well rapped slayer

fear is the conveyor of weakness
weakness is never confused with meekness
vice versa is often
and before i leave for the coffin
which is constantly calling
i will find her
living, breathing, coughing, walking and talking
whose affinity
is me
an unbound infinity
of latent poetry
letting her know i love her thoroughly
through my actions
hardly ever lacking perfection
in the form of playful affection
and before i get carried away with what i'm feeling
i'm back to thought of my heart
and how it seems to need protecting

i hope that my fear of one
who has an affinity for me
will not be an overwhelming enemy of me

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