About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

4th to catch up

wow world, a few things kicked off since we last talked... 1st in my book is north korea talking about wiping my country, USA, off the map. i hate to admit it but i think they're just unstable enough to do it with the new president and all. they might try and flex on obama just to test his mettle. 2nd, the king of pop passed. i fell asleep around 3 or 4pm and i woke up with like 5 missed calls and 10 messages telling me mj had passed away. at first i was like "condolences to the family", but then i remembered me and my big brother kevin dancing to the smooth criminal video in the living room with our dad's top hats. i was better at the spin and he could moon walk so i gotta admit that the man was one of the best entertainers to ever walk the planet... though i was a real fan he had a tremendous amount of talent and he used it to help the world more than people can actually appreciate. despite his few legal problems mike was a good guy, stranger than any other person i know personally, but good non the less. 3rd, talked to an old classmate that i can't remember talking too since 1st grade and she's mad cool... not to mention all grown up. lol.... but in all seriousness we're both english majors, both want to be authors/poets/lawyers and to top it all off she seems cool. now, just to keep it real, *cues bootsy collin's i'd rather be with you* , the song speaks for itself. i don't think i'm locked in on any one female right now, but if i had a reason to be i could focus on one and only one. matter of fact... i just started speaking to an old high school class mate that i didn't really talk to while we were in school but now i talk to her (that's backwards as hell, i know) and she's righteously cute as hell. another fact, i've been meeting a lot of mobile girls who are cute and going places in the last two weeks... and i plan on being in south carolina in the fall... maybe god trying to tell me something... hmmm, i'm willing to put in the work this time around so i don't think i could fail in the academic realm at c.u. (not that i did before, i just didn't do well enough to maintain that juicy ass scholarship that i intend to reclaim next fall... or a better one) but real talk. what's good world? i'm coming up on my 100th blog so i'm thinking about doing it big... i'm talking about a vice filled day to talk about with my 100th blog... or a road trip (maybe to b-ham to wild out with lb and trav... maybe to atlanta to record with the daredevil, maybe to south carolina for some ice cream... just kidding cause that's a scary thought, but i do wanna see her again, and to chill with ggc fam cause we gotta party to warm up for the fall... forgot about old sc upstate homie too... damn... then again... blue and white weekend third week in july??? hmmmm, i have a lot of choices don't i?

oh yea 4th would be my fugging exercising getting off the ground... i walked monday, thursday and today's morning trying to whip my round ass into some other shape. it's not that bad and i actually enjoy hitting the neighborhood up. the morning smells so sweet in my neighborhood it's refreshing... i can smell the cut grass getting that hay smell to it, i can smell the pine tress on summerville and it reminds me of christmas, it's one spot i come across on the first half of clinton that smells like old death for real, and once i make it past that i can smell the warm summer air filled with life, and by the time i hit donald i be thinking about how long i think i've been gone and when look up i be back on barretts lane coming up on my house. today i actually tried to push my pace up and i have to admit it was premature to try that. but i should be jogging at least half of it by the time i go to c.u. and i'll continue to work on my body when i get to cu... larry used to play football... scratch that... he be too damn busy to try and work out with so i might have to get royce to do it cause he don't be doing shit with is evening as long as it aint intramural bball season... i gotta get right for the spring... god willing i'll be crossing those sands to ---------!!! wouldn't you like to know. but for real, i gotta do it big for my 100th blog... so i'll try to think of something entertaining for you all, until then ask yourself this... are people just fugging you, or actually loving you? if you gotta question it, it's probably the first one

1 comment:

DANIEL said...

my boi doug...u tha truth w/ words man. and LMAO to the "whip my round ass into anutha shape" sentence...