About Me

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Mobile, Alabama, United States
Sup world? My name is Douglas James but my friends call me Doug. Most people would tell you that i'm a really cool dude, and they're right. Other people would tell you that i'm smart or bright so i let them think that as well! But for real though, i'm just a 19 year old African American Male who loves his family and friends to death. I think that i have a way with words and that i'm wise beyond my years, but that's just my opinion. I'm entering my sophomore year at ______ in the fall (snickering to my self). I'm currently pursuing a degree in english. This year is a year of many changes and i hope you can keep up!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

closer than you think

we were laying in bed, i recall it from my mind
i smiled with defiance because right then
i knew perfection, and it was fine
not almost, not another hope in the wind
beside me was she, and she is my friend.
not just a friend, at all times, something greater
a reflection i knew vaguely, love from my creator
something to savor
one i regret leaving
a strong black woman, though gentle enough to soothe a little one, irritated by teething
gracious enough to beat that day
knowing the next is when we would lose
to circumstance
and a time frame that shattered all too soon
but i remember the imagery it held
until a new one makes itself
i'll be marching around the edges of hell
only half beats in me, a whole beat is another tale.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

the wanting

optimus when i rhyme
fuck a prime like the fallen speech
all sparks when i grind, tank tread for feet
trampaling samsons cause they caving in
power cut off, pussy conquering men like his demons from within
falling angels used to make for such
twisting you heart over such and what
if if was a fif we'd be pouring libations
celebrating revelations cause heaven would come to us
we'd be children of who demonstrating true creation
what we doing?
at war with self
squeezing the life outta love when it comes to help
fresh to death is an understatement
instead of gold we want platinum pavement
cause heaven aint enough just to earn such
if those around can't discern us
from the bum on the corner who the butt of jokes
burden of the beast, scapegoats in yokes
niggas scared cause they catch reflections
off a halo
death always makes for contemplation
but when the flesh calls out
passion blisters
and when god calls home he gon deal with cha
at least that's what he promised
if you don't think he honest, that's something
our down fall is everything more than nothing
and the wanting.
question what you wanting.
a carpenter's cup, or an adorned fountain.

Friday, March 25, 2011

hoes aint shit

i know hoes aint shit
i don heard it in a whole bunch of lines
where niggas was lying bout how the spend they time
except about time spent poorly
sorely, and calloused, voices reiterate
hoes aint shit but still hoping to penetrate
my mistake homie, party foul on doug
but i gotta ask, it's my task,
why you spending your time on unworthy girls?
children in the mind
are you one too?
ladies i understand that men hoes too
some people just hoe hearted
attitude stank like it farted
consumption on the mind
karma sutra suitors using lies as their twine
but in time, i hope yall find, hoes aint shit.
life got plenty fiber if you living and aint just existing
learning, looking, and quiet as you listen.
a still tongue is where it's won.
unless you confessing you learned your lesson
not only asking for but claiming and counting your blessings
addressing all they hate, but focusing on the growth
this aint for the choir to sing over, this one here for the hoes
the hoe ass men who burning women's bridges to trust the next
hoe hearted women kissing on another's husband's neck
planning and knowing it home wrecks.
being a hoe aint bout shit, it's nothing but a life of regrets.
hoes can be healed..
with just a lil
self love
and self respect.
next time you wana be sure, take your money and bet
hoes aint shit but wasted time and regret.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

see space hill

maybe if i were greater i could make it past your make up
find a space in your heart to take up
i used to talk to myself for comfort
but i gave that burden to my maker
the power of prayer doesn't elude me
probably what made you easy to see
easier to like
a privilege to dream of resting my body at night
minus my heart
it beats for you
my future, too many dreams deferred
your manifestation, then me letting you escapes absurd
beyond words
could be why i offer silence instead
scared of fucking it all up over something i said
something i did
maybe it's all the didn't's that's my fixing
undoing me like tides' lingering touches on the beaches' hides where i scribe
working against me like it got something to hide but seek and ye shall find
a beating heart
a work of art
vexing perfection, minus your smile
you came this far, i'm asking you stay a while
stick with me for a couple miles
stick with me for just a few years
growing closer conquering fears
come, let me whisper my deepest desires to ya ears
you do the same, i won't promise, but i'll stray you from tears
i care about, without a doubt, how i talk to my rib
and if all else fails, blast love grind every day that you live
i just wana chill...

Monday, February 21, 2011

morning, noon, night, and thought

the sun, upon rising, hopes to compete
with golden kisses as its fleet
round and rotund, exuding hope
knowing better all the while
despair, replaces its hope
and best that which, to me, is best
that thing you do that leaves me vexed
i ponder and wonder, and think until no end
if the effect, being a smile, with me begins
infinite bliss
all can be fixed
weights of the world removed when you do this...

the height to which the rises reach
fall short with me, frail and meek
the best at noon-day, the apex of
an infinite solution to the problems of my world
proud and honorable, integrity intact
an overdosed measurement is exact
genuine like a child
longer than country miles
if it were to be faked
... ignorance is bliss
enlightenment passed over, for denial

conceding to its better, settling for setting
its myriad of colors, hues, and shadings
begets begetting
and if planned upon the perfect setting
for exhibitions of intent
informing, letting, being, seeing
hearing, leaving
a smile...
your smile to me is perfect
these, words so worthless
but the why behind
more than worth it
i, as the sun, try and try
to match your smile
only to, one day, realize
the flawless has none at either side

like the sun i try and try
set to rest, quiet as most night skies
but behold, i peer
a glinting twinkle
a sliver of hope, divine and single
something to clutch
a chance again
to rise and compete
until time decides no longer to lend...
cause unknown, effect presented
none can contend.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

if i'm losing, i'll do it a lil better

dear future
i know we don't talk much
i'm always rapping and hoo-blah
and hanging out with such and such
locked inside the music
honing skills to make you laugh
put words together in a way hoping they will last
i hope it's half full if we're talking bout the glass
i look and see enough plus extra every time i glance
no longer talking bout the glass but everything with class
if i recall you're half naked, you try, that's all i ask
naw, you aint the smoothest but to me you are the coolest
when it comes to being beautiful it's like they need schooling
a cut above the rest
a completely different level
let me stop and ask, is this letter even helping?
oh well, if i'm losing, i'll do it a lil better
sincerely ...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

a bit of you

may my heart freeze you in love and reflect infinite bliss
so that i know perfection exists
if not factual then actual
showing me what i see in you but more importantly what i feel in me
i pray that you are of him
if not i'll admire from afar
i met you in a dream
a glimpse of hope, glinting, from the tail of a shooting star
is just some of what you so vastly are